Customizing Neovim

I’ve been an avid Vim user for years. I know, sue me.
During these years, I’ve gone from a plain install

to a heavily customized install (here demonstrated with Pyne, a new project of mine)

I recently learned about Lazygit as well and have started using that, and I have to say, I’m impressed at the simplicity and the fact that there is a Lazygit plugin for Neovim as well.

One thing I have noticed is that with Neovim, you can still use Lua plugins even if you’re using vimscript, which has been a very neat discovery. Yes, I know I should probably move on to Lua, but I shudder thinking about moving everything over (and using Lua at all).

As I’ve used Vim for a long time before moving to Neovim, I also have gotten into the bad habit of using .vimrc still. The easy way of going from init.vim to .vimrc is simply having this in your init.vim:

set runtimepath+=~/.vim
source ~/.vimrc

The one good thing I have done however, is to put up my dotfiles on Git.
With comments, my current .vimrc is at 275 lines and super messy. Some day I’ll have to clean it up…

